Thursday, 29 May 2014

Friday Update and Pictures

Wet day and Magic Show pictures below!

May 30, 2014 
Dear Parents,
One week left!!!!  Who can believe it?!! J

A question for all of you---Is there anyone who would like to keep Mango and Jelly for the summer holiday?  I just wanted to put that out there…if not I have a veterinarian friend who can take them while we are all gone, but I wanted to give you the chance. Just let me know if you are interested. J

This week we…
*celebrated Ishaan’s birthday!
*had messy messy fun on wet day!
*went to a magic show put on by the AMAZING AND GREAT ZUFELTI (Jacob’s dad.)  It was awesome—the cuties were astounded by everything!
*watched the Bee Movie with a popcorn treat.
*prepared our Father’s Day gifts. J

A sick note J 
There seems to be a lot of things going around right now—today most classes were down to 9 or 10 students including ours, and at the end of the day we were down to 3 teachers!  If your child had a fever, or is feeling unwell or absolutely exhausted, please do keep them at home.  We know many families are traveling in the next couple of weeks and we want you and your family to be healthy for whatever your summer plans are! J

*Monday, June 2nd: Pre-K Visits KINDERGARTEN!!! (Students only) We will walk to the primary and visit kindergarten rooms, play on the k playground, listen to a story read by Mrs. Cuthbert (PS Librarian) and have a snack in the primary school cafeteria.

*Thursday, June 5th:  Last Day of School!—11:30 dismissal

Thank you!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  Lynsey and Aidah

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