Thursday, 30 March 2017

Friday Update

What a wonderful week back with the students!!!  It was great to hear all about their break, and they dove into our learning explorations! 

We have another new five year old in our classroom! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AALIYA!

Some of our learning explorations this week included:
*having a representative visit us from the SPCA. The students were proud to give the money we raised from our “Be Kind to Animals” banana bread sale to Ms. Ujwala to help the animals. She talked to us about how we can spread the word about being kind to animals and how we can take care of animals.  We gave her the money ($658!) and a poster to hang in the SPCA. What a fabulous culmination to our project.
*we started our new “Loose Parts” project. Please see below for how you can help us!
*the students experimented with color by mixing different colors of water.
*there was a lot of work in our Maker Spaces—the students delved into using recycled materials to build and innovate.
And much, much, more...

*April 14th: Good Friday-No School
*May 1st: Labor Day-No School
*May 5th: Celebration of Learning—8:00-9:15am in our classroom
*May 10th: Vesak Day-No School
*June 1st: Last Day for Students—normal 1:30 dismissal

The children have been working hard all year, and would like to celebrate! We wanted to give you the date early so you can block it out on your calendar. J
Please join us to help celebrate our accomplishments, share our learning journey books, and watch a slide show of our Pre K experiences. The students will also show you some important things within our classroom.
Friday, May 5, 2017
8:00-9:15 in our classroom
*Please let me know if you CANNOT make it
*We would love if parents could bring some snacks (we will be making something special as well.)  You can expect a separate e-mail from our lovely room parents when it is time to organize this part. J

Week 29 March 27 to 31

144 new photos · Album by Lynsey Howitt

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