Thursday, 9 February 2017

Friday Update February 6 to 10

It has been a busy and inspiring week!  If you want to have hope in our future and our world, just come into a class of four year olds! J

This week some of our learning included…
*Preparing for our SPCA fundraiser. The SPCA is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. We have planned out how to raise money for them (you saw our e-mail home J) and are busy organizing all of the details. The students have made posters to inform others about how important being kind to animals is, as well as the things they need, have made a sign, made donation boxes, figured out what we need to get to make banana bread, researched the SPCA to get more information, and have been spreading the word thoughout the school. The students are extremely passionate about this, and I couldn’t be more proud of their efforts. Next week we will be baking A LOT of banana bread so we are ready for the 21st!
*The ELC started KinderMusic this week. They have a 30 minute session once a week until the beginning of March. The students loved it, and they sang, played the wooden sticks and did some dancing with scarves.
*worked to finish the drawings we started with Todd Parr and used some special art markers.
*experimented with shapes and numbers.
*made notes to share with each other.
*talked a lot about kindness (as we always do J) and read some Valentine’s day books.
*and much, much, more!


*February 13th: Special Empty Bowls Project with Interim Semester High School Students—see e-mail update for details
*February 14th: Valentine’s Day –We will just be celebrating as a class (no party and no need to make Valentines.)
*February 17th: Empty Bowls Lunch-send $5 for this charity if you would like to.
*February 22nd: Alternate Dress Day
*March 16th and 17th:  Parent-Teacher Conferences
*March 18-26th:  Spring Break-No School

Week 23 Feb 6 to 10

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