It was so wonderful seeing so many of you
Wednesday night! Thank you for
coming! I know you have had lots of
information thrown at you during the past few weeks. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification.
The yellow starfish are doing a fabulous job,
are figuring out our routines, and are becoming pros! Here are some of the events this week.
Please take a few minutes to discuss them with your child. We…
*brainstormed lots of ways we can be KIND and
RESPECTFUL to our friends. (focus: friendship)
*graphed the number of letters in our classmates
names. (focus: graphing, more)
*learned the words and hand motions for Hello
Neighbor and decorated a copy for our Songs and Poems folder. Please have
your child teach you the hand motionsJ
*read the book “Who Stole the Cookies from the
Cookie jar, and made our own book.
*went to the “construction zone” and built
houses with blocks.
*decorated paper “friendship” dolls to look like
us! (focus: body awareness/friendship)
Next week we will continue our theme of “About
Me”, this time focusing on ourselves and how we are alike and different from
our classmates. We will do some work with colors and we will also
introduce the first letter, Ss.
In the zippy pouch today you will find your
child’s first “homework” assignment. Please take a few minutes this weekend to
find items for color collage. The whole family is welcome to help!
Have funJ
August 26-30
Fun Room
We spent the week doing obstacle courses that helped develop
our static and dynamic balance by tipping side to side and walking along
various balance beams. We also, jumped
over and off of tactile discs.
Learning Focus
Dynamic and static balance, engaging the vestibular system
and sequencing.
If you would like further explanation as to the terminology
presented in the Learning Focus
section, please send me an email for further clarification. I am hesitant to provide definitions here
because I do not want this to become too cumbersome.
Preschool : What Game Shall We Play? by Pat Hutchins
was read in the library this week.
Preschool will continue with their author study of Pat Hutchins for the
next few weeks.
Prekindergarten: Aaron’s Hair by Robert Munsch was read
in the library this week. Pre-K will continue with their author study of Robert
Munsch for the next few weeks.
Each child checked-out one book on Wednesday of their own
choosing to take home. Please remember
to return the library book by the following Monday, so your child is able to choose another book next
Wednesday. If you are in AM Preschool, please return the library
book by Tuesday.
If parents would like to checkout books from any of the SAS
libraries, please just present your SAS card to the librarian.
Parent Volunteers
The ECC Library is looking for parent volunteers to help organize and reshelf books. If you are interested, just contact me via my
email address below.
We are inviting grandparents to become involved with our ECC
library time. We invite any grandparents who are in Singapore to
come read a traditional story from their culture or a favorite story of your
grandchild. For grandparents not in
Singapore, we invite you to join us digitally.
Similarly, we would like you to read a traditional story from your
culture or a favorite story of your grandchild by making a video of your
reading and send it to me. We would request
that the stories be read or translated into English.
of ECC students, if your parents would be interested in this idea, please pass
this message and my email address to them. I will contact them to discuss
this in greater detail.
Geoffrey Rodocker
library book (in bags) on Monday. You will get a new one on Wednesday.
COMING HOME TODAY!!!! Please have your
child read their poetry and song book to you and return them on MONDAY.
*Return color homework
on Monday.
*Check your “zippy pouch”
nightly as it often contains important information from school and then return
it the next day.
*Please return lunch menus,
even if your child is having lunch from home, no later than Friday. (Check
off or state if your child should have ice cream)
*Please let me know if
there should be any changes on the contact list in your Back to School Night
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lynsey and Aidah J
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