Thursday, 1 March 2018

Tad Hills is Here!

“Is your dog really named Rocket?”
“How did you learn to draw so well?”
“Do you draw every single picture?”
“Where do you get your ideas for your books?”
“How long does it take to make a book?”
“Do you love our school?”

Tad Hills was ambushed by our very curious and enthusiastic young readers and writers! He tried to answer as many questions as possible!

Tad Hills is an author and illustrator of such beautiful books as Rocket Learns to Read and Duck and Goose. We were privileged to spend time with him while he shared some of his stories with us, talked about how he comes up with ideas for his books and showed us how he draws the illustrations.

Tad Hills also spent some time in our classroom demonstrating how he starts his illustrations and he told us that “drawing eyebrows gives the characters life and feelings!” The students drew from the initials in their names and from one of his duck pictures that he put together with simple shapes. He was very impressed with our classroom library that included student books!

A quote from his website…

“As an author and illustrator of children’s books, my greatest satisfaction comes from visiting schools. The kids’ excitement and enthusiasm for books is very real. I especially enjoy the responses I get from children when I ask if they have any questions or comments. ‘Where do you get your ideas? What’s the difference between a book and a story? My birthday is June 12th. How do you make the cover shiny? My Dad has socks like yours. Do you have an agent? Do you write the story first or draw the pictures? How do you make a book?’ But what I love most is when a lower school kid smiles and says proudly, ‘I’m writing a book.’”

Tad Hills March 1

60 new photos · Album by Lynsey Howitt

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