Thursday, 25 January 2018

How are puppets transformed with light and shadow?

Light and shadows are magical to children. We had the amazing opportunity to pair this magical learning language with puppets! Mr. David and Ms. Robin demonstrated to the children how different kinds of puppets look against various screens, how they could be used in telling a story, and we even practiced different voices! We then used a variety of materials to make our own puppets! We had dragons, cheetahs, monster babies, princess mermaids, and even a horse bug! The children were given time to explore with their puppets using a variety of different screens and light sources, and discovered how light and shadow transforms the way puppets move. There was much imagination, wonder and problem solving involved as the children figured out how to make their puppets appear larger or smaller, more defined or hazy, and what kind of stories they could tell. Some questions that came out of our session…

How does the size of the puppet change when you are really close to the screen and really far away?
How does light and shadow transform the way puppets move?
How do materials look different when they are in front of or behind the screens or on the projectors?
How can we give our puppets a personality?
What different kinds of materials and light stages can we use to make our puppets look different?

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