Thursday, 31 August 2017

Weekly Update August 31

Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, September 1st and Monday, September 4th.
It was so wonderful seeing so many of you Wednesday night!  Thank you for coming!  I know you have had lots of information thrown at you during the past couple of weeks.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification.  The kiddos will LOVE to hear your messages of inspiration (we will read them out this coming week.  If for some reason you did not get to do one, let me know and I can send the paper home in your child’s zippy pouch or you can write one when you are here at school.)

This week we celebrated another birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSA!!!!

One point of interest…I have watched your cuties become more and more independent as the days have progressed! Really encourage your child to practice being independent at home as well.  Feeding themselves, starting to help dress themselves, doing up their bags, blowing their noses, and also starting to practice things like using safe scissors to cut will really help them out! J

This week some of our learning included…

*reading the book Mouse Paint (along with quite a few others such as A Color of His Own, Dog’s Colorful Day, Little Rabbit’s Color Book, and Pete the Cat (which has turned into a lot of singing! J) and finger painted with the three primary colors. Can your child tell you what they are? The kids pulled out a basket of color books and we just started reading and doing!!!!
*the kiddos were SO INTERESTED in mixing colors, that we are going to do a special experiment next week…. (we starting looking for the materials…)
*there was a wonderful discovery into our letters and sounds—some of us made name necklaces out of beads, some stamped letters into clay, some used letter stamps, some found different letters in books, there was pointing out of letters in books, making sounds for letters we saw…explosion of learning! We might have to go on a letter walk…
*we had a lot of building going on this week!  We had a group that moved from legos, to magnatiles, to blocks to castle blocks! One group decided to make a castle. J
*we talked about our families and will be presenting our family photos throughout next week.
*some of our students began making a playground for Mango and Oreo Cookie. It was interesting to watch the learners observe the pigs inside then cage and then wonder about what they would love to play with or on outside the cage. They also went to Ms. Harvey, one of the high school art teachers to ask for some supplies.
*we explored light at color using the light tables, overhead projectors, and screens.
*one of the trees on the playground had falling flowers—very interesting natural provocation with some interesting discussions!
And of course…much, much more! J


*Friday, September 1st: NO SCHOOL- Hari Raya
*Monday, September 4th: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS-Faculty Inservice
*Friday, September 22nd: Early Release Day—11:30 am Dismissal
*Thursday, October 12 and Friday, October 13: Parent Teacher Conferences
*October 16th to 20th: Fall Break—No School
*Please send in a family photo and a baby story. J
*Thank you to everyone sending in extra fruit, granola bars, crackers and snacks—the kiddos have been enjoying them, especially first thing in the morning!  Healthy snacks help our brains work better during the day, so thank you very much. J

Week 3 August 28 to 31

70 new photos · Album by Lynsey Howitt

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