Friday, 2 September 2016

Friday Update Sept 2

We have had another wonderful week in our Pre K classroom!!!!  We continued to get to know each other, and began our first big project. We also had our first library day with Ms. Jo.!  

One point of interest…I have watched your cuties become more and more independent as the days have progressed! Really encourage your child to practice being independent at home as well.  Feeding themselves, starting to help dressing themselves, doing up their bags, and also starting to practice things like using safe scissors to cut will really help them out! J

This week some of our learning included…
*reading the book Mouse Paint (along with quite a few others such as A Color of His Own, Dog’s Colorful Day, Little Rabbit’s Color Book, and Pete the Cat (which has turned into a lot of singing! J) and finger painted with the three primary colors. Can your child tell you what they are? The kids pulled out a basket of color books and we just started reading and doing!!!!
*the kiddos were SO INTERESTED in mixing colors, that we are going to do a special experiment next week…. (we starting looking for the materials…)
*there was a wonderful discovery into our letters and sounds—some of us made name necklaces out of beads, some stamped letters into clay, some used letter stamps, some found different letters in books, there was pointing out of letters in books, making sounds for letters we saw…explosion of learning!
*we had a lot of building going on this week!  We had a group that moved from legos, to magnatiles, to blocks to castle blocks! One group decided to make a castle for Darth Vader. J
*we talked about our families and will be presenting our family photos throughout next week.
*one of our students found a castle puzzle, which led to an interest in making a castle for Mango and Oreo Cookie, which turned into a maze, which turned into making them clothes, which turned into a racetrack, which turned into “Elsa’s Castle, Maze, Racing Track.” More about that in the next blog post.
*we explored light at color using the light tables, overhead projectors, and screens.
*we used the ipad to research ideas for the maze/race track/castle, and printed out some pictures together that we have been using for inspiration. We also airplayed what we could see on the camera so the kiddos could see themselves dancing on the screen.  We are planning on using that to film Mango and Oreo using our maze, and then we can see them up on the screen at the same time.
*we explored numbers on the 100 chart and practiced one-to-one correspondence.

*Check in your child’s Friday Folder (the BLUE BAG) take everything out and return bag back to school on Monday.  We keep certain projects/activities here at school to put in your child’s portfolio (in case your child was talking about something you didn’t see.)  If the blue bag did not come home, they have either kept some things at school or did not make a lot of products to take home—they may have been exploring in other ways than painting, drawing, etc.
*Return Library books and RED LIBRARY BAG on Monday.

*Monday, September 12: NO SCHOOL- Hari Raya
*Tuesday, September 13: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS-Faculty Inservice
*Wednesday, September 14: ALTERNATE DRESS DAY
*Thursday, October 6 and Friday, October 7: Parent Teacher Conferences
*Please send in a family photo if you have not done so yet!
*Thank you to everyone sending in extra fruit, granola bars, crackers and snacks—the kiddos have been enjoying them, especially first thing in the morning!  Healthy snacks help our brains work better during the day, so thank you very much. J
*I will be sending the schedule for taking Mango and Oreo Cookie home as well as the instructions for taking care of them. I will do it on a google doc so you can sign up for when it suits you and your family. Week 4- August 29 to Sept 2

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