Thursday, 27 August 2015

Friday Update August 24 to 28

It was so wonderful seeing so many of you Wednesday night!  Thank you for coming!  I know you have had lots of information thrown at you during the past few weeks.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification.  The kiddos LOVED hearing your messages of inspiration, and ask to have them read over and over! 
The yellow starfish are doing a fabulous job, are figuring out our routines, and are becoming pros!  Here are some of the events this week.  Please take a few minutes to discuss them with your child.  We…
*brainstormed lots of ways we can be KIND and RESPECTFUL to our friends. (focus: friendship)
*graphed the number of letters in our classmates names. (focus: graphing, more)
*learned the words and hand motions for Hello Neighbor and put a copy in our Songs and Poems folder.  Have your child teach you the hand motionsJ
*read the book “Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie jar, and made our own book.
*went to the block area and built houses with blocks.
*decorated paper “friendship” dolls to look like us! (focus: body awareness/friendship)
*were introduced to Pete the Cat and began a review of our colors
*read Chrysanthemum and talked about how important and special all of our names are.
*decided what we wanted on the front covers of our identity/creative writing books
*continued to explore the classroom and materials in it
*found so many ways to fill each others’ buckets!! J

Next week we will continue our theme of identify, and really look at ourselves and our families. We will also focus on how we are alike and different from our classmates.  We will do some work with colors and really delve into the cuties’ interests.

Your child’s Poem and Song book is coming home in their blue Friday Folders today.  Have fun as they use their “magic music wand” to “read” the words and sing the songs to you.  You are encouraged to sing along and help them at any point.  This helps with directionality for later reading, and even if your child is pointing no where near the words on the page, encourage them on their amazing singing!!!  Please return the Poem and Song book AND the blue Friday Folder to school on Monday.

*FRIDAY FOLDERS COMING HOME TODAY!!!!  Please have your child read their poetry and song book to you and return them on MONDAY.
*Check your “zippy pouch” nightly as it often contains important information from school and then return it the next day.
*Please return lunch menus, even if your child is having lunch from home so the cafeteria can prepare.
*Please send in FRUIT for our morning fruit snacks!  We have very hungry cuties in the mornings!!!!!!!!!!
*Ms. Aidah is away from school on sick leave until September 15th.  We have had Ms. Chai Hong in our classroom as her sub—she is amazing—has been an ECC sub for a long time and knows the routines and really gets to know the kiddos.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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