Thursday, 29 January 2015

Friday Update January 30

January 30, 2015 
Dear Parents,
We started our Fairy Tale unit this week with The Three Little Pigs, continued with our love of Todd Parr, and started Chinese New Year and 100 Day activities.

Here are some things that happened this week. We…
*learned the name, sound, and formation for the letter Ff.
*brainstormed/ listed/cut out words that begin with Ff and wrote them in our alphabet journals.
*added feathers to our feely letter Ff.  Please remember to add this to your feely letter ring and review all of the letters.
*learned the song Five Green and Speckled Frogs and made a book based on the song to practice taking one away.
*played with pretend frogs in the sensory table along with our moon sand.
*caught numbered frogs in the water table and ordered them 1 – 20
*painted with feathers. 
*used magnetic fishing poles to catch the letters that the words on our mat started with.
*made our own books! There was paper, crayons/markers and staplers set out and this was completely optional.  Our cuties RAN to this table to make a book! Look for them in their bags (many of them have my writing inside as each cutie told me their story) and the kiddos shared some of them with Ms. Jo during library as well.
*Read many different versions of The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.  We will continue with this fairy tale next week. Ask your cutie what a book should have to be a fairy tale J  (Once upon a time, a good guy/bad guy and happily ever after (or a happy ending of some sort.))
*Painted what we thought we would look like when we are 100 years old.
*Went on a number hunt and started making 100 day headbands.
*Measured our feet with cubes after reading “How Big is a Foot?” about a king making a bed for a queen.
*finished our Chinese New Year lanterns, cherry blossoms, and dragon puppets.

Next week we will be learning the letter Ll and concentrate on getting our lemonade stand ready, as well as continue with our Fairy Tale unit, Chinese New Year, 100 day activities, and Valentine’s Day activities.

*Return library books and blue bags on Monday.
*Check the blog for pictures from this week!
Pre- Kindergarten Lemonade Sale!
Proceeds will go to the SPCA and Caring for Cambodia
THURSDAY, February 5th (we had to change the day)
 (by the High School Office)
50 cents a glass
(correct change appreciated)
Next week the children will squeeze lemons to make fresh lemonade. We thought it would be a fun to open a lemonade stand and sell it to the Middle and High School students.  Our profits will go to the SPCA and Caring For Cambodia.  If you would like to donate to the lemonade cause, please send a bag of lemons with your child on Monday or Tuesday.  Ifyou are around campus on Thursday you are welcome to stop by our lemonade sale.

Upcoming Dates and Things to Remember:
*Monday, February 9th:  100 Day!!!  Details to come.
*Friday, February 13th:  VALENTINE’S Day Activities—wear Valentine’s dress to school (red, pink, white, or something with hearts J) and we will be passing out Valentine’s…details to come…
*Thursday, February 19th/Friday, February 20th:  CHINESE NEW YEAR—NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
*Monday, February 23rd:  LATE START 10:00am

Thank you!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  Lynsey and Aidah

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