Friday, November 14
The cuties had another great
week of learning! We talked a lot about Harvest, the seasons (and what
Fall/Autumn is really like—it is hard when we live in Singapore! J) and began talking about Thanksgiving, how it was started, and
how we celebrate by being thankful.
This week we also…
*learned the sounds (long
and short), hand motion and letter formation for the letter Ee.
*added eggshells to our
feely letter Ee. (They have been washed and disinfected J)
*brainstormed and added Ee
words to our alphabet journals.
*did an egg experiment by placing an egg
in vinegar. We are waiting to see what will happen to the egg as the
vinegar breaks down the calcium in the shell. This is a fun/easy
experiment to replicate at home.
*ELMER!!!!! We revisited one of our favorite books.
*read Green Eggs and Ham,
and then cooked scrambled eggs—have your child tell you about them! The cuties
did a great job cracking their own eggs for this cooking project AND…..everyone
tried them!!!!!!! WOW! (Some even had
*learned the song Dingle
Dangle Scarecrow, Albuquerque Turkey, I’m a little Turkey and Hello Mr. Turkey
and we added them to our Song books. (Please send the song books back to school
if you haven’t already!)
*read books about patterns
on farms and painted patterns on paper. These papers were cut into
rectangles and turned into scarecrows.
*practiced our beginning
sounds through a picture/letter matching game.
*Used our imaginations and
great oral language skills in the “Farmers’ Market” dramatic play.
*Counted pennies and
nickels as we practiced buying food at the farmers’ market.
*talked about our pumpkin
plants and how they grew into sprouts already!!!!! Ask your child what we did to plant
them? What will happen next? (flower,
bulb, pumpkin—in Singapore they probably won’t get past the flower stage, but
we can always try.)
*decorated a box to put all
of the CFC donations in J We are putting them together on Monday, so if
you have any art supplies you want to donate to the cause… J
Next week we will introduce
the letters Cc and Kk. These letters are introduced together because they
make the same sound. We will continue with harvest activities and learn
about and explore vegetables.
A permission slip for our
first fieldtrip, the Woodlands Wet Market, went home in your child’s zippy
pouch on Friday. Please sign it and return it by Monday. We need
lots of parents for this trip so please join us if you can!
Wednesday, November 19th: Walking Field Trip to Wet Market
Wednesday, November 26th: Faculty Inservice Day,
No School for Students
Thursday, November 27th and Friday November 28th: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY. NO SCHOOL
*Please remember to turn in lunch forms to school
*Remember to return red
library bags and blue Friday Folder bags
every Monday
A reminder: CFC ART KITS
Pre K Volunteer Service Opportunity!
Over the Thanksgiving
break; a team of 25 SAS teachers will be travelling to Siem Reap as part of an
annual Caring for Cambodia (CFC) Teacher Training project. This year, the SAS
team has been asked to share teaching methods in problem solving for math with
the Cambodian teachers. In the past, SAS students have also assembled hygiene
kits for the families of the CFC schools. This has been a wonderful tradition
for our Pre-K to 5th Grade students for the past nine years. As of this year,
the kits will now be provided through the generous donations of Unilever, but
we have taken on a new project to help the children of the CFC schools---Art
How can you HELP?
Creativity is an invaluable resource, and to generate inspiration in the CFC
students we want to provide them with the tools to express their imaginative
spirits. Our goal is to create and transport 1,000 Art Kits to Siem Reap. If
every student brings in enough items for one kit, we will be well on our way of
reaching our goal. This activity is optional. If you would like to participate
please have your child bring in the following items by Friday, November 14th.
one watercolor paint set
one box of colored pencils
one set of colored markers
students will assemble the kits in their classrooms and write a personalized
note to put inside the art kit. The SAS team will bring the kits to Cambodia in
November. Thank you in advance for all of your support. The children love
making these kits, and it is amazing to see how their efforts can make a
difference in another child’s life. Please let us know if you have any
Warm regards,
Pre-K Teachers
you!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!! Lynsey and Aidah
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