Thursday, 31 October 2013

Friday Update Oct 28 to Nov 1

Friday, November 1, 2013
What an amazingly fun week!!!  We had lots of learning going on….and HALLOWEEN!  YAY!  The cuties looked wonderful in their costumes, and a big THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped out at our Halloween party yesterday.  The students had fun and so did I!!  The cuties also sang Happy Birthday to me today, which made my day. J  Your child is bringing home their pumpkin plant today—make sure they get a little water everyday and put them in the sun on your windowsill to see them grow. J 
This week we also…
*learned the sound, letter formation, and hand motion for the letter Hh.
*brainstormed word that started with or contained Hh and wrote them in our alphabet journals.
*added hearts to our feely letter Hh.
*observed, weighed, and carved a pumpkin, counted the seeds (175!) and voted on which face to carve into our big pumpkin!
*planted pumpkin seeds and learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
*painted symmetrical pumpkins and decorated them with a spooky Halloween scene.
*had a visit from Lin Loa Shi’s 8th grade Chinese students.  They shared Halloween books that they wrote and illustrated in Chinese.
*did Halloween math—counted witches, ghosts, pumpkins and bats. J
*cut out and ordered pumpkins from small to big.
*counted the correct number of spiders to put into numbered jack o’ lanterns.
*Played with bubber in our sensory table with creepy crawlies.

NEXT WEEK (well, when we return on Nov 11)
We will introduce the letter Ee. We will also learn about the holiday of Deepavali that is happening over this break. Anyone who celebrates Deepavali at home is welcome to come and teach us about this family celebration.

November 4 to 8:  Fall Break—NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
*Return Friday Folders and library books on Monday, Nov. 11th.
*Please be sure to check your child’s lunch menu daily.  Our lunches are pre-ordered in the cafeteria and it is helpful to have a correct lunch count.  Do remember to send the forms back each week. J
PRE-K SERVICE PROJECT: HYGIENE KITS FOR CAMBODIA (A note went home in your child’s zippy pouch today)
This week, pre-k students watched a video, about children in Cambodia, who are in need of basic hygiene necessities like toothbrushes and soap.  Over Thanksgiving Break, 25 teachers from SAS will be going to Cambodia with a goal of delivering 1,500 hygiene kits to families in Siem Reap. Your kind, caring little ones are eager to help these teachers! Please assist your child with this opportunity by donating the following items by Wednesday, 13 November.
1 bar of soap                              1 small washcloth                1 comb
1 large tube of toothpaste                4 toothbrushes
The students will assemble the kits in class and add a note (already printed in Khmer) that has directions on how to use each item or the importance of washing their hands and brushing their teeth.
Thank you in advance for your support and helping your children become compassionate, concerned world citizens.
Thank you!!!  Have a wonderful fall break!!!!  Lynsey and Aidah

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