September 6, 2013 FRIDAY UPDATE
We have had another wonderful week in the Yellow Starfish classroom!!!!
A point of interest…I have watched your cuties become more and more independent as the days have progressed! Really encourage your child to practice being independent at home as well. Feeding themselves, starting to help dressing themselves, doing up their bags, and also starting to practice things like using safe scissors to cut will really help them out! ☺
This week we…
*read the book Mouse Paint (along with quite a few others ☺) and learned the three primary colors. Can your child tell you what they are?
*learned the Color Song and decorated a copy to put in our Poems and Songs folder
*started the big task of sorting all of the colors from our homework, discussing the different shades of each color and creating color collages to decorate the room. We will finish this next week.
*practiced writing color words with “over-writer markers”
*learned the sound, formation, and hand motion for the letter Ss.
*drew pictures of words that start with Ss in our alphabet journals.
*added sparkly, silver sand to our “feely letter Ss”.
*observed (with our sense of sight) a real snake skeleton and drew a picture of it.
*played with snakes (pretend ones☺) in the sensory table
*wrote numbers on paper snakes and dotted the correct number of dots to practice one to one correspondence
*learned the poem The Sandwich and made real and paper sandwiches that are just like the ones in the poem!
*spread butter and jam on bread to make sandwiches.
Today your child will bring home the first of the 26 feely letters, letter Ss, attached to a ring. Please keep this letter ring in a safe place (i.e. bed post, door knob, dresser handle). Each week a new letter will go home and your child should add it to the ring and review the sound, motion and formation of all the letters.
Next week we will introduce the letter Aa. We will do lots of activities with the alphabet. We will revisit our colors and All About Me and My Friends
I wanted to give you advanced notice that the ECC will celebrate UN activities from Monday 16 September to Friday 27 September. On Friday, September 27th, we will join the rest of the Primary school for a UN Day assembly. On that day the children may wear an outfit from their home country or a country in which they have lived or visited. Our class would welcome any parents who would like to share information or do an activity about their home country. This would be for our class only…you don’t have to present to the entire ECC. I will send a separate e-mail for this.
Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 24
This will be photo day for all ECC Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten students. That day the children will have an individual and class photo taken and will not need to wear their uniforms. (so it will be an Alternate Dress Day for us.)
This week we practiced learned specific vocabulary for parts of the body. We played Simon Says using these names and also sang Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes using different parts of the body. We are concentrating on those parts of the body that we might not normally be familiar with: forehead, eyebrows, eyelashes, chin, earlobes, biceps, elbows, wrists, knuckles, abdomen, chest, thighs, waist, knees, ankle, and heel. Give your child a butterfly kiss with your eyelashes, just for fun (just flutter them against their cheek or arm! They will love it!)
*Please make sure you have the lunch menus back by each Friday (we always send them out on Monday—by that next Friday have them back to us) even if your child is having home lunch every day. Also be sure to check off if your child can have ice cream on Wednesdays. Keep half at home for reference
*Return Library books on Monday.
*Free Dress on Wednesday.
*Let me know if you would like to share something about your home country for UN Week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lynsey and Aidah ☺
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