Thursday, 18 December 2014

Friday Update December 15 to 19

Happy Holidays!  Have a wonderful and restful break!!!

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the party and Sing-A-Long yesterday!! Thank you for joining us!!  What a fun time for our cuties!!!  It felt so festive to have all of you singing together with us!

I am putting pictures from this week on the blog---for some reason my camera is acting up and I am missing a bunch from the actual party, but luckily you were there and saw what was happening J

Don't forget that the day we come back to school (Monday, January 12th) is a late start day--we start school at 10.  

I wish you and your families (and especially my darling cuties) a very happy holiday, Merry Christmas, and safe travels for those going away. What a fantastic semester we have had, and I look forward to another one!


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Friday Update December 8 to 12

We have had a lot of students out this week, all over the ECC, mostly with fevers, green noses, sore throats, coughing and HFMD. Please help us keep our class healthy by reminding your child to wash hands regularly, cough into the shoulder or elbow and keep fingers out of mouths.  Please be sure to keep your cutie home if they are not feeling well/don’t seem like themselves or are exhausted or have green noses—those seem to be the first signs.  So many families are heading on long plane journeys for the winter break and we want it to be an easy trip! J

Dear Parents,

We are in the holiday countdown stretch!!!  This week we…
*learned the sound, letter formation and hand motion for the letter Mm.  (and have been practicing the “mmmmmm” sound instead of “muh.”
*added macaroni to our feely letter Mm.
*wrote words/cut out pictures of things that begin with and contain Mm in our journals.
*have been making snowmen, Santa, reindeer, snowflakes and tree crafts.  Lots of sparkles, cutting practice and gluing!  Tons of fun!
*learned about Hanukah, played the dreidel game, and colored a “magic” dreidel.
*Read “If you take a mouse to the movies,” “If you give a moose a muffin, ” “The Mitten,” (m books J) and many holiday favorites such as Bear Snores On and The Gingerbread Man. (and The Gingerbread Boy, The Gingerbread Baby…we have been comparing stories J)
*continued to read fiction and non-fiction books on reindeer.  We learned quite a few interesting facts about reindeer—our favorite is that they make clicking noises!
*we graphed and sorted M&M’s (the most fun part was eating them of course!)
*used marbles and paint to decorate mittens—so much fun!!!!!
*made snowman Christmas ornaments with our handprints.
*used our great oral language skills in the North Pole dramatic play area.
*had a visit/lesson from Ms. Sarah, the primary school counselor.  She taught the children about what to do when they are angry.

Next week we will review all of the letters introduced this semester.  We will make gingerbread cookies and do lots of other activities with gingerbread to make the room smell festive!  

*Please remember to turn in lunch forms to school
*Remember to return red library bags and blue Friday Folder bags every Monday

*Thursday, December 18th: Santa Visit, Prek Holiday Party and Sing A Long  J HOLIDAY FREE DRESS!!!!!
-This is a big day, and we hope you can all make it for the Sing-A-Long.  Please let me know if you cannot come so I can have someone ready to sit with your child and snuggle. J
Santa Visit:  Time TBA  (Please remember to send in a book donation for for Santa)
Early Lunch: 11:30-12
Class Party:  12:00-12:45
Sing-A-Long:  12:45-1:15

*Friday, December 19th: Have your child wear cozy clothes to school—we are going to watch a short movie with popcorn and hot chocolate in the middle of our day as a special treat before the holiday. J


*Monday, January 12th (FIRST DAY BACK) :  Late Start Day for students (10:00am) Buses will pick up like last late start day
*Please send a photo to school on Monday, 12th of January, of something your child did over the holiday.  We will use this as an inspiration for writing about our holidays in our journals.
*Report cards will go home that Friday. 

Hope to see you all next week at the party and Sing-A-Long!! J

Thank you!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  Lynsey and Aidah

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Friday Update Dec 1 to 5

December 5, 2014
Dear Parents,
The holiday season is in the air!!!  We are talking about Christmas and Hanukah, and comparing them with Diwali—our cuties are noticing a lot of similarities between our celebrations (they noticed a lot about candles and lights and time with family—we have very smart cuties!)  I love that we come to a school that celebrates the diversity of our children, and we learn all about each other’s holidays and family cultures.  Please continue to let me know if you want to share anything about a tradition or holiday you and your family celebrate. J  Here are some of our activities from the week….
*learned the name, letter formation and sound for the letter Rr.
*added rainbow rice to our feely letter Rr. Please add this to your feely letter ring and review all of the letters.
* wrote words that begin with the letter Rr in our alphabet journals, and found pictures of things that start with the letter. Many of the children are now trying to
s-t-r-e-t-c-h the words and write the sounds that they hear…they are so proud of themselves when they do their own inventive spelling!
* read fiction and nonfiction books about reindeer and compared them.
*made reindeer treat bags to use at our party on the 18th.
*painted pictures of reindeer.
*made reindeer tree ornaments.
*spread peanut butter on bread and made reindeer sandwiches with pretzels and m&m’s.
* learned the songs Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Up on the Housetop and added  them to our Songs and Poems folders.
* found all the r’s (upper and lower case) in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and circled/stamped them.
*Made handprint reindeer, trees and holiday wreaths (this will explain why your child might still have different colors under their fingernails!!!) J
*made tree ornaments from popsicle sticks and practiced our shapes.
*Practiced counting and patterning and used these skills to make holiday lights.
*started practicing our holiday songs for the Sing A Long!

*Please remember to turn in lunch forms to school
*Remember to return red library bags and blue Friday Folder bags every Monday

*Thursday, December 18th: Santa Visit, Prek Holiday Party and Sing A Long (SAVE THE DATE for this one—come and sing with your child after our party—it is an event you don’t want to miss!!!) J HOLIDAY FREE DRESS!!!!!
Santa Visit:  Time TBA  (Bring book donation for Santa)
Early Lunch: 11:30-12
Class Party:  12:00-12:45
Sing-A-Long:  12:45-1:15
*Friday, December 19th: Have your child wear cozy clothes to school—we are going to watch a short movie with popcorn and hot chocolate in the middle of our day as a special treat before the holiday. J

Thank you!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  Lynsey and Aidah